AacerBase is an athletic floor option with very high shock absorption and good basketball response. Pre-manufactured subfloor panels with ECO resilient pads attached are secured to the concrete substrate to provide the environmental stability and force reduction of a fixed/resilient floor.
- pre-assembled subfloor panels
- eco pad resilience
- fixed resilient floor system
- 1 7/8" standard profile
- Infinity MFMA MapleInfinity's straight line cutting, in line moisture monitoring and a climate-controlled facility help to eliminate bowed boards, improper wood moisture and exposure to adverse humidity.
- APA Plywood SubfloorPre-assembled 11/32" (9mm) APA sheathing, Exposure 1 subfloor components
- Flooring NailerFlooring nailers extend to form shiplap panel connections
- Subfloor AnchorCollared steel pin anchorage
- ECO Resilient PadResilient ECO pads pre-attached to assembled subfloor panels

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Features and Benefits
Manufactured subfloor panels with resilient ECO pads pre-attached
Environmental stability provided with inclusion of steel anchorage affixed to the concrete substrate
Floor system including resilient ECO pads offering high shock absorption and good basketball response
A low-profile floor system with excellent ventilating airflow
Representative Installations
*Contact your Aacer representative for additional installations.