AacerCush II floor system combines Aacer Maple with two layers of APA underlayment and resilient pads. The result is an economic, versatile athletic floor with increased shock absorbency and energy return that helps reduce injuries.
- Double Layer Subfloor
- AacerCush Pads
- Blanket Resilient Option
- Floating System
- 2-1/8” Standard Profile
- Infinity MFMA MapleInfinity's straight line cutting, in line moisture monitoring and a climate-controlled facility help to eliminate bowed boards, improper wood moisture and exposure to adverse humidity.
- APA SubfloorTwo layers of 15/32" (12mm) APA Rated Sheathing, Exposure 1
- 3/8" (10mm) AacerCush Resilient padExtruded PVC fluted pad design
- AacerStop Vapor RetarderAacerStop vapor retarder is offered at various permeability levels to address related concrete vapor emission.
- Concrete

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Features and Benefits
- Floating system
- Other AacerCush Systems available: I, I+
- Economical
- Versatile
- Attributes contribute to a playing surface that reduces injuries
- Possesses exceptional structural integrity, shock absorption and energy return
- Widely accepted athletic flooring system for field houses, gymnasium, multipurpose rooms, dance floors & stages
Representative Installations
- Valley Fellowship Christian Academy, Huntsville, AL
- Gold’s Gym, Edinburgh, TX
- Babcock Ranch, Punta Gorda, FL
- BYU Wilkenson SC, Provo, UT
- Vasa Fitness, Westminster, CO
- Lincoln Elementary School, Brownsburg, IN
- Riverside High School, Belle, WV
- Chris Town YMCA, Phoenix, AZ
- All American Athletics, Wentzville, MO
*This is a partial listing. Contact your Aacer representative for additional installations.