MultiStage HC is a computer designed dual stage fixed resilient system that offers high performance with stability reduced vibration. It is the most versatile multi-sport system in the marketplace.
- Factory Assembled Panels
- Fixed Resilient System
- Sectional Steel Channel Anchorage
- 2" Standard Profile
- Aacer MFMA MapleHard maple flooring manufactured according to standards established by the Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association
- Engineered MultiStage SubfloorFactory supplied pre-assembled double plywood layer subfloor panels
- Steel Channel and Concrete Anchorage
- Vapor RetarderAacerStop vapor retarder is offered at various permeability levels to address related concrete vapor emission.
- 1/2" (12mm) ECO Resilient PadsECO urethane bonded granulated recycled rubber pad resiliency
- Concrete

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