Prefabricated PowerPlay™ Cradles are assembled with recessed resilient pad housing to limit pressure when applying heavy non-athletic impacts. Aacer’s cradle floor system provides desired shock absorption and ball response. Air-flow pockets directly below the floor surface and concrete anchorage provides added stability and uniformity.
- Factory Assembled Panels
- Fixed Resilient System
- ECO Pad Resilience
- Recessed Pad Housing
- 2" Standard Profile
- Infinity MFMA MapleInfinity's straight line cutting, in line moisture monitoring and a climate-controlled facility help to eliminate bowed boards, improper wood moisture and exposure to adverse humidity.
- Heavy Duty Concrete FastenerAnti-Squeak collared concrete anchor
- PowerPlay Plywood PanelsPowerPlay™ pre-assembled subfloor panels with resilient pads pre-attached
- Recessed ECO Resilient PadsProtective manner to counter heavy non-athletic loads
- AacerStop Vapor RetarderAacerStop vapor retarder is offered at various permeability levels to address related concrete vapor emission.

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Features and Benefits
- Fixed Resilient System – Plywood Subfloor
- Pre-manufactured subfloor panels with machined anchor pockets and resilient pads pre-attached
- Collared anti-squeak steel drive pin concrete anchorage
- ECO resilient pads manufactured with recycled components resist fatigue and static load compression
- Protective recess on underside of subfloor panels limits pressure applied to resilient pads and subfloor components when reacting to aggressive non-athletic loads
- Good choice for gymnasiums at all levels
Representative Installations
*Contact your Aacer representative for additional installations.