Programme Stage II offers stabilizing components of steel encased sleepers supported by TriPower resilient pads manufactured from recycled rubber material. Along with shock absorbing characteristics, a monolithic subfloor layer allows numerous floor surface options and loading capabilities associated with stage performances.
- Full Subfloor Layer
- Engineered Plywood Sleepers
- TriPower Pad Resilience & Damping
- Anchored Steel Channel Stability
- 2-7/8" Standard Profile
- Infinity MFMA MapleInfinity's straight line cutting, in line moisture monitoring and a climate-controlled facility help to eliminate bowed boards, improper wood moisture and exposure to adverse humidity.
- APA SubfloorOne layer of 23/32" APA Rated Sheathing, Exposure 1
- Steel Encased (SE) Plywood SleeperAdded stability of Steel Encased (SE) engineered plywood sleepers with pads pre-attached
- TriPower Pad
- AacerStop Vapor RetarderAacerStop vapor retarder is offered at various permeability levels to address related concrete vapor emission.
- Steel Concrete Anchor

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Features and Benefits
Fixed Resilient system
Stability of steel encased engineered sleeper assemblies
Optional acoustical batten sections can be included
Full subfloor for inclusion of tongue and groove flooring or other selected stage surface options
Optional inclusion of added load support blocking
Resilient reaction for performers and excellent loading capabilities for aggressive performance loads
Representative Installations
*Contact your Aacer representative for additional installations.