ReClaim III

ReClaim III addresses concrete substrates that do not meet the standard flatness tolerance required when installing typical hardwood athletic floors. Such slab conditions mostly relate to removal and replacement of older floors which otherwise can require pouring expensive and time-consuming leveling material. Desired shock absorption and performance is provided by the inclusion of our ECO resilient pads.

  • special retrofit design
  • eliminates expensive leveling pour
  • plywood leveling block integrity
  • ECO pad resilience
  • standard profile range 3 7/8" - 4 3/4"
  • Infinity MFMA MapleInfinity's straight line cutting, in line moisture monitoring and a climate-controlled facility help to eliminate bowed boards, improper wood moisture and exposure to adverse humidity.
  • APA Rated Plywood SheathingOne layer of 23/32" (18mm) APA Sheathing, Exposure 1
  • Nominal 1 x 6 (19mm x 140mm) Softwood SleeperSoftwood sleeper with leveling wedges pre-attached
  • Leveling WedgesMating plywood wedges allow accurate height adjustment
  • Uneven SubstrateUndulated slab surface addressed by ReClaim leveling wedges
  • ECO Resilient padDouble pad support on underside of each lower leveling wedge
  • Vapor RetarderAacerStop vapor retarder is offered at various permeability levels to address related concrete vapor emission.
Infinity MFMA Maple
APA Rated Plywood Sheathing
Nominal 1 x 6 (19mm x 140mm) Softwood Sleeper
Leveling Wedges
Uneven Substrate
ECO Resilient pad
Vapor Retarder

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Features and Benefits

Manufactured opposing leveling blocks allow accurate adjustment of new subfloor over uneven concrete substrates

Eliminates costly leveling pours required to achieve substrate flatness as necessary for typical floor installations

Floor system including resilient ECO pads offering high shock absorption and good basketball response

Addresses up to 1″ height variance adjustment with standard wedge application, and greater with profile blocks introduced on site

Representative Installations

*Contact your Aacer representative for additional installations.

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