Posted March 25, 2021 by Janelle Pederson

The new sports floor project has been approved.  Now what? 

Whether this is your first or tenth time selecting a sports floor, treat the project based on its specific needs.  A floor system that performed well on a previous job may not meet the needs of floor on the next job. Floor Systems are engineered to fit different activities, level of play, safety, performance, rules and regulations and budget.  An athletic wood floor is not a one-size-fits-all. 

Selecting the right floor for your facility can elevate its success.  While the color and graphic design that make up the visuals on TOP of the floor may get all the attention, what is BELOW the surface is equally important.  Here are some criteria to consider as you navigate through the selection process and narrow down your options:


Purpose of the floor. 

Before embarking on your flooring project, write down how you envision the floor being used, by whom and the duration.  Be specific.  Include others in the conversation to make sure the whole team is on the same page and has the same expectations. 

Some things to consider:  Is it a single-use or multi-purpose floor?  What type of sports will be played?  Identify what sports will be played, at what level and to what extent.  This data will help determine the appropriate level of resiliency, friction and shock absorption needed.  The performance criteria for a basketball player will greatly vary from what is important for yoga. 

Will it be used for non-sporting events?  If the floor will be used for social or commercial activities, select a floor system/surface that will not be compromised. 


There are systems and maple grades available at every price point.  The key is to find the combination that meets your performance requirements and your price point.  We all know the importance of a strong foundation.  A strong and solid foundation increases the success rate for your project.  Do not be tempted to cut corners on jobsite preparation. 


What performance criteria is needed for the athletes using the floor?  Sport floors are tested to many different performance standards.  Understanding these tests will help determine the appropriate floor for your facility.   Test data for subfloor systems are available.  Ask to see the results. 


With their color, graphics and other design properties, gym floors captivate and grab our attention.  Floor designs have become as competitive as the games played on them.  Paint and stain color, graphics and the grade of MFMA maple all play a role in the aesthetics.  Be sure the owners express their expectations in regards to how the finished floor will look.

Environment of the facility

Will the facility be used year-round or is usage seasonal?  Floor systems can be susceptible to temperature and relative humidity changes.  It’s important to keep the temperature and relative humidity in the facility consistent throughout the year.  If the environment is not kept in check, it can have long-term, detrimental effects on your floor and in some cases, void your warranty. 

Load Bearing & Wear Requirements

Determine the weight load of users and equipment that the floor will need to bear.  Will there be bleachers?

There are many factors to consider when selecting a sports floor.  The best thing you can do is empower yourself with knowledge.  Research your options.  Talk to resources available in the industry.  The ultimate goal is to deliver a floor that is safe, long-lasting and performs well for the athletes and end-users.  Aacer Sports Flooring can help you get there.